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O-Ring Warehouse - Imperial

The O-ring warehouse is an excellent counter top O-ring storage unit. Our standard stock (KIT WHSE1) is provided equipped with 000 to 400 series O-rings in 70 durometer Nitrile, with the 900 series O-rings provided in 90 durometer Nitrile.

The O-ring warehouse is also available in a fully 90 durometer Nitrile and a 75 durometer fluorocarbon.


Part Number: KIT WHSE1

O-ring Sizes
-001 thru -016
20 each
-017 thru -024
10 each
-025 thru -031
7 each
-032 thru -043
5 each
-044 thru -046
2 each
-110 thru -116
15 each
-117 thru -124
10 each
-125 thru -142
5 each

O-ring Sizes
-143 thru -146
3 each
-147 thru -151
2 each
-210 thru -216
10 each
-217 thru -229
5 each
-230 thru -232
3 each
-233 thru -237
2 each
- 325 thru -328
5 each
-329 thru -330
4 each

O-ring Sizes
-331 thru -338
2 each
-901 thru -914
5 each
5 each
5 each
5 each
5 each
5 each
5 each