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PEEK Sealing Solutions for Demanding Applications

KasPex™ PEEK is Hi-Tech Seals' family of high-performance thermoplastic PEEK (Polyetheretherketone), engineered for exceptional mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and dimensional stability. It maintains its mechanical properties even at high temperatures, with specialty compounds available for low-temperature applications. KasPex™ PEEK excels in hydrolysis resistance, making it suitable for hot water and steam environments.

KasPex™ PEEK Compounds
MP39 MP38 MP37

KasPex™ PEEK advantages:

  • Outstanding chemical resistance
  • Superior high temperature performance
  • Exceptional wear & abrasion resistance
  • High electrical integrity
  • Excellent hydrolysis resistance
  KasPex PEEK

The KasPex™ The KasPex™ PEEK family of materials is composed of various compounds, including MP39, MP38 and MP37:

  • MP39 is our virgin PEEK that offers the highest elongation, toughness, and inertness of all the KasPex™ materials
  • high-temperature performance MP38 is our glassreinforced PEEK, which provides additional rigidity and stability
  • MP37 is our carbon-reinforced PEEK, which provides a lower coefficient of friction
  Physical Properties
  Hardness, Shore A D2240 87 87.5 90
  Tensile Strength, psi (MPa) ISO 527 100 171 234
  Elongation, % ISO 527 54 2.6 1.8
  Specific Gravity ISO 1183 1.30 1.51 1.40
*Typical values for injection moulded specimen.

KasPex™ PEEK improves the performance and reliability of machined parts in innumerable applications across a wide range of industries, including:
  • Oil & gas
  • Aerospace
  • Automotive
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing
  • Medical
  • Electronics
  • Chemical
Connect with us for more technical information about KasPex™ PEEK and to identify the right compound for your application.