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Objective and Extent

The Supplier Code of Conduct for Hi-Tech Seals Inc. delineates the principles and standards that suppliers are obligated to adhere to when engaging in business activities, supplying goods and services, or representing Hi-Tech Seals.

This Code of Conduct outlines specific responsibilities in the areas of Business Integrity, Responsible Business Practices, Human Rights, Forced Labour and Child Labour, as well as Reporting and Compliance.

Our Pledge

Hi-Tech Seals Inc. is committed to conducting its business in accordance with ethical and legal principles. We expect Suppliers, including vendors, suppliers, contractors, subcontractors, and agents, to align with the principles set forth in this Supplier Code.

Business Integrity


Suppliers are required to conduct their business with integrity, honesty, and transparency, complying with relevant laws, rules, and regulations applicable to their goods and services. This includes anti-bribery, anti-corruption laws, and regulations, and Suppliers should promptly inform Hi-Tech Seals of any investigations related to bribery and corruption.


Suppliers must exercise due diligence to prevent conflicts of interest, including the offering of value to individuals associated with Hi-Tech Seals. Any potential conflicts must be disclosed in writing.


Suppliers may come across confidential or undisclosed material non-public information (MNPI) during their interactions with Hi-Tech Seals and are expected to implement measures to safeguard such information in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Responsible Business Practices


Information collected during business dealings with Hi-Tech Seals must be used and disclosed only for agreed-upon purposes and protected throughout the relationship.


Suppliers must comply with environmental legislation, regulations, and standards, promoting sustainability and minimizing negative environmental impacts.


Suppliers require express permission from Hi-Tech Seals before making public statements, issuing media releases, or using proprietary logos or trademarks.


Suppliers must comply with applicable health and safety legislation in their operational jurisdictions.

Human Rights

Suppliers must adhere to all relevant legislation, rules, and regulations concerning human rights, labor laws, non-discrimination, and harassment.

Forced Labour and Child Labour

Suppliers, in accordance with the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (Canada 2023), must refrain from using Forced Labour or Child Labour while supplying goods and services to Hi-Tech Seals.

Reporting and Compliance

Suppliers are expected to comply with the Code of Conduct and maintain documentation as needed. Hi-Tech Seals Inc. reserves the right to assess compliance and may require Suppliers to provide assessments, including self-evaluations or third-party visits.

In cases of non-compliance, Suppliers must take corrective actions, and Hi-Tech Seals may support the Supplier in meeting expectations. Failure to comply may lead to termination of the business relationship.

In the event of a breach or potential breach of this Code, Suppliers are obligated to notify Hi-Tech Seals.

Bill S-211 Report