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Hi-Tech Seals and Hair Massacure

This February, the employees of Hi-Tech Seals put in a huge effort to help raise money for an incredible cause - the Hair Massacure. One of our very own team members from Edmonton - Wendy Inacio, was brave enough but most importantly extremely generous to support the cause not only by raising a substantial amount of money, but also by cutting off her locks to donate to the charity. We commend you on your generosity and bravery Wendy!

Check out her story below:

I decided to take part in this great fundraiser after I realized how important my hair is to me, and more importantly, how important a little girl’s hair is to her. With this, I hoped that the donation of my hair would make at least one little girl’s dream come true...

This cause means a tremendous amount to me as I have two little girls of my own in my life. Children deserve to experience a regular childhood without the complications of surgeries, transplants and other medical procedures, that come with serious illnesses. The fact that there are children who are stuck in hospitals in ill condition and who’s parents have to make difficult decisions along the way, is heartbreaking and unfair. It makes me extremely sympathetic towards these families that have to go through this with their child.

Considering all of this, I am happy to give a huge thanks to all of the employees here at Hi-Tech Seals that were generous enough to support me and the Hair Massacure with their donations to help make a difference! Over the period of January 1st to February 14th, I raised a total of $1045.00 - $630 of it coming from Hi-Tech Seals' employees. Additionally, I would like to send out a special thanks to Jim Bond for cutting the 18.5 inches of my hair for donation.

My locks were donated to the Wigs for Kids Foundation in order to create a wig for one lucky child in need of hair. I plan to fundraise for this great cause in the years to come, as well as possibly cut my hair again.